
Just another evidence that a woman can keep a secret was furnished whis week, when Miss Luella Hays, beg pardon Mrs. Frank E. Hoskins announce their marriage in Kansas City, Kansas, February First, 1920 at the Catholic parsonage by Father Burke, attendants were Misses Clark and Tenney of Kansas City.

Mrs. Hoskins is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hays of Chapman and has been a popular and efficient stenographer in the Superintendent’s office of the Rock Island, where Mr. Hoskins was also employed.

Mr. Hoskins left the first of the month of Idaho and Washington to look over government claims in that section. If he find one that suits, they will live on it this summer and possibly at Kansas City this next winter; if not suited they expect to make their home in Kansas City.

Since his return from the world war, in which he was a member of Co 1 189th Infantry, 35th Division, Mr. Hoskins has been employed at the Rock Island office and has also been Post Commander of the American Legion. He is a splendid young man and in every way worthy of this good fortune. Mrs. Hoskins left Wednesday for her home at Chapman for a visit before joining her husband. They have the congratulations and best whiches of a host of friends in which we cordially join. -- Herington Sun

Chapman Advertiser, June 3, 1290, page 1