667 Leaders to Conduct War Services in County
Neighborhood Leader's Program Is Dove-Tailed Into Block Idea
The Neighborhood War Leader's program for Licking county is being dove-tailed into the city's Block Leader's program under the direction of Ed Strate and the village Block Leader's plan under Orville Kreager, according to George W. Kreitler, county agricultural agent.
Rural areas of the county have already been organized under the same plan as is being used for city and villages with 687 leaders who will conduct civilian war services in the 228 neighborhoods of the county. This nation-wide plan permits close contact by county, state and national headquarters with every citizen of the United States and is made necessary by the urgency of the war situation and its terrific impact on civilian living and working conditions.
County leaders are confident that they can quickly and accurately get information to the civilian population they need for war time living and working, information that the national war emergency requires everyone to have, and at the same time keep accurate account of rapidly changing conditions in every community of the county; rural, village and city.
(The rest of the article lists the leaders, by township.)
Neward Advocate and American Tribune, November 27, 1942, page 10