Account Vouchers:

No. 35
June 10, 1890

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel Dec
Twenty 25 Dollars
For Sawing Shingels for Barn


William H Slaybaugh

Treasurer's Office, Fairfield County, O.

Received of David Langel
the taxes assessed and levied upon the Duplicate for the year 1888, on the following property, in the County of Fairfield, as follows:

Violet Township
Sec.      25
Acres     90
Value     3970
Rate Mills     11.3
Taxes Due
Dec. 20, 1888     22.43
June 20, 1889     22.43

Duplicate Receipt

Dog 1                    1
Personal Property     670     3.79     3.79
Total                    27.22     26.22


No 33
May 20 1890
Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel decd
Fifty Eight Dollars
& Sixty five ct for property taken at appraisment and bought at sale


Eliza x Langel


No 32
May 19 1890
Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate David Langel Deceased
Six Dollars,
for labor performed


Aaron Langel


No 30
April 1 1890

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel Deseased
Thirteen Dollars,
Twenty cts for Hay


A. H. Shirm


April 16 1890
Recved of M?? Langle $2.50
For working on ? farm

V. S. Fishbaugh


No 29
April 1 1890

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel Decesed
Twenty Dollars Dollars,


F.S. Carnes


No. 27
Dec 15 1889

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel Decesd

Five Dollars,
Fifty cts

Labor on ?


Albert Meyer


No 21
July 19 1889

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel Decd

Twenty Dollars,
for labor


Augustus Mason


Oct 30 1889

M Langel

Bought of Kramer & Bolenbaugh
Canal Winchester, O.

1 Keg 8" Brads          2.75
25# spikes 2 1/2     .63


Treasurer's Office, Fairfield County, O.

Received of David Langel the taxes assessed and levied upon the Duplicate for the year 1889, on the following property, in the County of Fairfield, as follows:

Violet Township
Sec. 25
Acres 90
Value 3970
Rate Mills     11.2
Taxes Due Dec 20, 1889     22.23

Paid Jan 11, 1890 R.M. Millents


M Adam Langle
Nov 19, 1889

Bought of Geo. F. Bareis, Dealer in Lumber, Lath and Shingles,
Surface Planing, Sawing and Re-Sawing Done to Order.
All orders promptly filled
Sash, Blinds, Doors, Window and Door Frames, Mouldings, %c
Office and Yard, East Waterloo Street

To 1500 Shigs     6.00


Statement of Account
Canal Winchester, O., Nov. 19 1889
M Estate of David Langle
to Kramer & Bolenbaugh, DR.,
Dealers in
Hardward, Stoves and Tinware
tin, Iron and Slate Roofing, and House Spouting

Nov 15     15#      8d nails     .45
" 19     6"     8" "          .24
" " 3"     6 " "          .12


M Adam Langle
Nov 15, 1889

Bought of Geo. F. Bareis, Dealer in Lumber, Lath and Shingles,
Surface Planing, Sawing and Re-Sawing Done to Order.
All orders promptly filled
Sash, Blinds, Doors, Window and Door Frames, Mouldings, %c
Office and Yard, East Waterloo Street

FO 8-1+12-16=128     1.75     2.24
"     24 for fly     7/2     .84


Nov 12 1889
M Langle
Bought of
Kramer & Bolenbaugh

4     Hooks & St?     3     12
4     Hasps & "     .5     20
2     Bolts 5x1/2     4     08
10     #? nails     5     50
15     #12in S+S Hinges     5     75
34     #20in "     "     4 1/2     1.53
16     Bolts 3 1/2 x 5/16     16
12     "     3 1/2 x 3/8     18
18     "     3 1/4 x 5/16     18


No. 20
Etna O, 7/1 1889

Received of Adam Langle Executor of the Estate of David Langle Dec'd

Twenty Dollars,
Med att ????


A. A. Shortt per C E S


Treasurer's Office, Fairfield County, O.

Received of David Langel
the taxes assesed and levied upon the Duplicate for the year 1888, on the following property, in the County Fairfield, as follows:

Violet Township
Sec 25
Acres     90
Value      3970     
Taxes Due June 20, 1889     22.43
Personal Property     670.11     3.79
Total,               $26.22

Jun 19, 1889, M. C. Mill??>


No. 18
June 9 1889

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel, Decesed

Fifty Dollars
for sawing lumber for barn


T Langle


No. 17
April 9 1889

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Lange Decd

One Hundred Dollars
for casket vault & servis??


N. s. Ebright


No 16
April 18 1889

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel Deceased

Sixty Dollars,
Tweny Dollars for cloth, Forty Dollars toward Pay for Labor


Augustus Mason


No. 15
April 9, 1889

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel
Thirty four Dollars,
Eighty ct Paid on note


Henry H Langel


No. 14
April 9 1889

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel Dec

Seventy Four Dollars,
& Seventy nine cts Paid on note


William Langel


No. 12
Nov 23d 1888

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel, deceased,
Five Dollars
filing, verifying, examining and passing inventory appraisement and sale bill and full record of same


J. T. Busby, Probate Judge


No. 9
Oct 9th 1888

Received of Adam Langle Ex of the Estate of David Langle
Five Dollars
auctioneer & ????

G. A. Clifton


November 16 1889

Received from Adam Langal ten dolar for work on sid barn

Albert Myers


Nov 5 1889

M Langel
Bought of Kramer & Bolenbaugh, Canal Winchester, O.

1 Keg 4d nails     3.25



No. 8
Pickerington, O. Oct. 9th 1888

Received of Adam Langle Executor of the Estate of David Langle Deceased
One Dollar and 50/100 for clerking sale


George S. Smith


No. 7
Oct 8 1888

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the estate of David Langel Deceased

Three Doll Dollars
as appraisers


J. S. Carnes
A. Berger
O. J. Moore


No. 6
Oct 8 1888

Received of Adam Langel of the Estate of David Langel

One dollars
for swearing in appraiser


William F. Feigler, J.P.


No. 5
Sept 22 1888

Received of Adam Langel Executor of the Estate of David Langel, Deceased

One and 50/100 Dollars
for printing sale bills

B. F. Gayman


Recd forty dollar of Adam Langle Adm of David Langle Estate

Feb 18, 1890

A. A. Shortt


No. 1
August 23d 1888

Received of Adam Langel, Executor, of the Estate of David Langel, deceased,

Eleven 55/100 Dollars,
fees probating will, and appointment of executor, and full record of the same


J. T. Busby, Probate Judge


No. 2
Aug 23rd 1888

Received of Adam Langle Exr of the Estate of David Langle Deceased

Two Dollars
for publishing notice of appointment
3 weeks


Thos Wetzler


Certificate for Witness Fees.
The State of Ohio, Fairfield County, ss.

In Probate court

In the matter of the last will and testament of David Langel, deceased

I hereby certify that Isaac S. Carnes has attended before the Probate Court as a witness in this case and is entitled to receive for 1 days' service, $1.00 and for 12 miles travel, 1.20
Total     2.20

Date Aug. 23d 1888
J. T. Busby Probate Judge