Public Sale of Real Estate

The heirs of the late Hannah Langel, deceased, will offer for sale, at public auction, on the premises, the farm, known as the ex-Commissioner Henry Langle [sic] farm, situate in Liberty township, Fairfield county, Ohio, Wednesday, November 30, 1910, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, to the highest bidder:

The farm contains 86 acres, fourteen room house, slate roof, fairly good barn, smoke house, good fruit, two wells and a good cistern and cellar, running stream of water fed by springs, never fails. Every field on the farm has access to this stream and is well fenced.

This farm is not divided by roads, but lays square and every foot of it is tillable. The entire farm is well tiled.

This farm is located within three miles of the electric line and four miles from the Ohio Central railroad, thus making it a very desirable place for market purposes.


One-third cash in hand on day of sale; one-third in one year, and one-third in two years from day of sale. The deferred payments to be secured by mortgage on the premises aforesaid, and to bear six per cent interest from day of sale, payable annually.


Col. A. K. Roby, auctioneer.

Newark Advocate, November 4, 1910, page 9