I love mysteries and logic puzzles. Genealogy lets me play detective without getting my hands dirty and while meeting only nice people. This website is my forum for sharing my discoveries with my family, near and far.
Who's in here -- people I have at least some information about, beyond the basics.
Who's not in here -- living people. They may be named, as children or spouses, for example, but there are no pages or details about them. As far as I know. If I've made a mistake, please let me know.
There are several ways to navigate through the site. You could start with my most recent ancestors, my grandparents, and work your way back:
Mervin Hays, Ruth Youngberg, Everett Langel, Jeannette Strickler
Or, you can start from one of the menu tabs above -- the surname index, the place index, or the recently updated pages list.
A third option is to read my blog and dip into the site from individual blog posts.
This site is a work in progress, particularly when it comes to sources. Please be patient with errors and omissions! If I've got something wrong, please let me know.
A note about copyright and credits: As I understand it, facts cannot be copyrighted but the text that states them can be. I have tried to provide credit for the sources of my facts, and to stay within the confines of fair use when I quote, but it's a murky area for a non-lawyer such as myself. As for pictures, those without credits are either taken by me or in my possession. I have only posted the pictures that others have sent to me with the permission of the sender. I have tried not to include recent pictures of living people.